Instagram users with a public profile are keenly interested to know who stalks my Instagram. Most Instagram users love the ‘Like-and-Follow’ process, but some of them do not practice the same. Are you among those who love to check different Instagram profiles and posts without following their account? It may be right in the case of popular brands. Popular brands share Instagram posts many times a day. We love to check their posts, stories, and videos once a day but do not want to follow them. This way, we keep our feed clean and don’t miss even a single Instagram post from our connections. The same practice an Instastalker does with us.
Do you have such questions in your mind?
How to track an Insta stalker who does not follow you? Is there any tracker for Instagram stalkers? Can you see who views your Instagram profile but doesn’t follow you? Who stalks me on Instagram?
Related article: 10 Apps to Check Who Viewed My Instagram Profile for Android and iOS
How to See Who Stalks Your Instagram?
Most people are concerned about their privacy over the internet and social media but curious about others’ personal and professional lives. We often want maximum reach on our Instagram photos, IG Reels, and IG stories after posting content on social media. Therefore, make our profile public for family and friends. Unfortunately, a user with a public profile might become a victim of cyberstalking. Know or unknown, anybody can be an Instagram stalker of your public or private profile. If you know who stalks your Instagram account regularly, you can block Instagram stalkers for foolproof privacy. Now, it’s normal to ask yourself, (how) can I check who stalks my Instagram free? This article unfolds many truths and busts myths.
Check the user engagement
It’s tricky to see who stalks your Instagram profile, post, reels, and stories. You can see only partial information. Unfortunately, Instagram will never let you know the complete data. The simple way to track down Instagram stalkers is to see your likes and comments on your content. But, unfortunately, it’s impossible to see who viewed your Instagram profile and posts. So, you can check those users who are linking and commenting on your posts and whether they are following you. People who do not follow you but regularly like and comment on your posts are intentionally stalking you on Instagram. Your content will only appear in their feed if they follow you. So, they visit your profile to see your recent posts, reels, and stories.
Spot fake followers and bots
A public profile means you are on the way to becoming an influencer. So, you are trying hard to get a million or more followers. Mostly, followers of your followers, friends of your friends, people interested in your reels or business, or mutual acquaintances follow an influencer profile. But, unfortunately, someone from the unknown or weird following might be your Instagram stalker. So, you keep only real followers who do engagement with your content, and you can convert them later. Blocking fake profiles and bots is always a good idea.
See who viewed your stories
You can use Instagram stories to check who stalks your Instagram story. Use the story feature and upload a photo or story. After some time, people will start watching them. Thus, you run a story campaign to see who is insanely stalking you on Instagram. Of course, true fans and insane stalkers will always appear in the list who watched your Instagram stories. This way, you may check who’s mostly stalking you on social media like Instagram.
Use Instagram Insights
Businesses or creators can use Instagram Insights to see the detailed stats of activities on their accounts. This official feature shows you in-depth user engagement and interactions on your Instagram pictures, reels, and stories.
DON’T recommend third-party apps
We don’t recommend third-party apps to check who stalks your Instagram, but trusted apps are also available. A few names are “Follower Analyzer,” “Instant Profile+,” “FollowMeter,” and “Insta Follow, Stalker Reports.” In addition, we have created a post on 10 apps to check who viewed your Instagram. You can read it and share your experience with us. These apps see all the data organized in one place. It shows you the following details-
New followers Recent unfollowers Who never liked your posts People who blocked you.
Rarely do some apps promise to show you who viewed your Instagram account. So be cautious while logging in with your Instagram username and password on such a free or paid app. Ensure they don’t store your login credentials on their servers. It is essential for your online security and safety.
Who Stalks My Instagram?
Still wondering, “who stalks me on Instagram?” Our tips are sufficient to check who stalks your Instagram profile within a few minutes. We tried to help in many cases, like your ex or an envious person stalking your account to see your Instagram reels, posts, and stories. She intentionally or accidentally likes your posts so you can catch her. These days, your common sense has made it possible easy to check who stalks your Instagram reels and stories.
Can I check Insta stalker?
Unfortunately, there is no way to find who viewed your Instagram profile or account or find an Insta stalker visiting your profile. Instagram cares about users’ privacy and does not let you track your Instagram profile visitors. Thus, it is not possible to check an Instagram stalker. You can optimize your Instagram privacy settings for more safety.
Can you track an Insta stalker on a business account?
An Instagram business account has exceptional functionality to see who visited your Instagram profile or an InstaStalker. You can check the number of visitors in the last seven days or how many Instagram followers viewed your posts in their feed. The Instagram app collects all data but does not go share it with anyone due to the strict user privacy policy.
How to see who viewed my Instagram profile?
On the Google Play Store and iOS Store, you can search those apps which promise to let you know who has checked your Instagram profile.
Do you trust these third-party apps? Do any of these apps really work to check who stalks my Instagram profile? The simple one-word answer to such questions is ‘NO.’ You are being deceived. These Instagram stalker apps are fake and show you any random profile as an Insta Stalker. Never pay money to see these fake Instagram stalkers. You can read user reviews of these apps before installing them on your phone. Most of these apps are earning through ads and don’t work when you try to check an Insta stalker. These third-party apps do not fetch such information through the Instagram API. You only can see who unfollowed you on Instagram. If you install any of these apps and give access to your Instagram account, they will access your private data. Do you care about your privacy? Then never use such apps.
How to check who stalks you on Instagram?
Are you earnestly interested in tracking down an Insta stalker? Do you wanna know how to check who viewed your Instagram profile?
Check the user engagement Spot fake followers and bots See who viewed your stories Use Instagram Insights
Does Instagram show who viewed your story?
Instagram Stories posted by public accounts can help you out. First of all, you need to post an Instagram story. If you already have an Instagram story, then swipe it. Now look for an eyeball icon on the screen and click on this to list the people who have visited your story. You can also see those Instagrammers who ain’t following you. Please note this method only shows those who have viewed your Instagram story. It does not tell you who saw your Instagram profile. Actually, you won’t able to check an Instagram stalker. Is someone unknown always stalking your Instagram profile? Then you may hit the block button to get rid of him/her, as we told you earlier. If an Instagram stalker not harassing you, then there is no problem. But, if the situation is getting worse, then ask for help, and do not forget to block that user profile. To hide your Instagram stories from the public, you can set your account private and keep all your data safe from unknown Instagram stalkers.
Can you see who views your Instagram?
No, you can not see who views your Instagram. None of the methods will work for you to find the name or profile of an Instagram stalker. Instagram will never reveal this secret to you for any reason and keep user data private. I believe this guide on who checks my Instagram profile will be quite helpful in tracking down an Instagram Stalker on your stories. Don’t miss our article about who viewed my Instagram apps. Do you want more Instagram tips? Then, remember to use our other blog posts to stay successful on your social media journey.