What is A Micro Niche Blog?

A micro-niche blog is a small website with just a few pages, generally ranging anywhere between one to ten pages. It is called a niche since it lays focus on a specific keyword. With loads of profitable ideas available, the micro-niche website, in most cases, is an exact match domain.

Why Start A Micro Niche Blog?

It is not easy to choose the best micro niche for blogging to make money successfully. You might even be scared of the fact that you may have to work every day and night to make it successful, but this is all going to be worth it once you get enough traffic from the search engines. If your content is based on a broad and common niche, it won’t be easy to get your articles ranked on the search engine result pages, resulting in a longer duration before you start earning money from it. Most aspiring bloggers usually select the most competitive niches, which are very tough for any blog to rank for the keyword in those niches, mainly with many authority blogs. Even if you give your all to this blog, working day and night to publish high-quality content and build backlinks, you may still not be able to outrank in the search engine result pages. So, if you want to rank higher easily and earn money from your blog, then micro-niche websites will be the best choice. It is a smarter choice to blog on a micro-niche as it generally ranks higher in the search engine results page since they are more preferable than traditional authority blogs. It is easy for ranking various keywords in a short span of time with the help of proper keyword research and backlink strategy. It will also attract quality traffic more than the broad niche blogs, so it is much easier to monetize and earn good income even with low traffic conditions. So, in micro-niche, one will earn money in a much shorter time period with less work compared to blogging based on broad niches.

How to Find Micro Niche Ideas?

You can use certain tools or methods to help you find the micro-niche blog ideas. Here are three such tools/methods for finding a micro-niche blog idea.

Google Autocomplete

This is the best and easiest way to answer your questions and find micro niche blog ideas using Google Autocomplete (Google Autosuggest).


This is another place where you can connect with millions of readers every day. All you need to do is create a free account in Quora.


This is another excellent and free tool for generating micro-niche blog ideas. It is a tool for bloggers and marketers to check which topic makes sense while users are searching.

For bringing a lot of traffic and income, you will need to find a perfect niche. You may also be able to generate revenue with low traffic if you can make certain conversions. Since millions of ideas are available with many already working on them, you will need to be very careful when choosing your micro-niche blog idea. Here are some of the trending micro-niche blog ideas with which you can make money even with an average amount of traffic like entertainment niche, 3D printing, health niches, gaming niches, beauty niche, marketing niche, lifestyle niche, food niche, travel niche, sports niche and so on.

The Gaming Niche

This a good choice of niche, but it tends to be very competitive. Here, the main focus will lie on creating YouTube videos where one can film themselves playing video games, or you can try reviewing the video games. This won’t need much investment, and you don’t need to spend a long time playing the games to write reviews. You can also hire gamers who love to play games and write about different games, or you can also try incorporating a business touch by writing about how you can earn by playing video games. All in all, it is a trendy niche in the present day scenario of technological time. It is also playful and potentially lucrative, making it popular among the masses. Here are to top 10 best game micro niche blog ideas for 2020: Just choosing a gaming niche won’t necessarily make you successful. Since the gaming niche is a competitive field, you need to specify yourself by selecting sub-niches. The gaming niche consists of various sub-niches, so try to choose one of those sub-niches and stick to it for the starting few months and target your particular audience. Success does not come at a go. It would be best if you put in a lot of effort into it.

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